
February: Why Meal Plan

Meal Planning

We’ve all been there. Dinner time is fast approaching, and you’re still asking yourself the question: “What’s for dinner?” 

Likely, when you’re in this position, your response is either one of the following: 1) A stressful trip to the grocery store where you frantically try to find something suitable for dinner, or 2) Eating out either at a restaurant or swinging through the drive-thru. 

Both responses likely leave you over budget–both on time and money. And, neither help you make intentional, healthy eating choices. 

This is all avoidable with a weekly meal plan. A meal plan helps you plan for the upcoming meals that you will cook at home and requires only one trip to the grocery store each week. 

So, why meal plan you ask? Here’s why: 


By planning out your meal each week, you’re able to make a grocery list that allows you to shop for items within your budget. 

As you continue to meal plan, you stock up on staples in your refrigerator and pantry that help you keep an inventory of the items you have on hand. This saves you from wasting money on buying the same item over and over again because you forget you have it. 

Aside from your financial budget, meal planning keeps your time and portions within your budget as well. 

Helps You Make Healthy Choices

Meal planning helps you make healthy decisions about the foods you will eat throughout the week. You can look for healthy recipes to keep a variety of foods in your diet. Plus, you know exactly what you are consuming. 

Less Stress

A meal plan will help you eliminate the dinner time stress. In fact, it can help you eliminate breakfast and lunchtime stress as well if you create a meal plan for all three meals. Each day there’s no questioning what you will eat because you’ve already planned for it. 

Helps You Plan Your Week

Busy week? Find healthy meals that don’t take long to prepare or that you can prep ahead of time. This makes your weeknights run much more smoothly and leaves times for you to stay on track of your exercise plan and other activities. 

Leaves Time for Other Activities

When you don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner, you’re able to enjoy the time you save. Perhaps you can go on a longer walk or spend more quality time with your family. The time is yours to choose what you do because you’ve already got dinner covered with a meal plan!

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