
Karen overcomes her doubt and loses weight

I messaged Coach Karen saying, “I’m 55, overweight, and I don’t think I can change.”



For years I was overweight and tired. In July 2018 when I saw a post Karen put on Facebook about strength training I messaged her saying, “I’m 55, overweight, and I don’t think I can change.” She took the challenge and we started working together that next week. One year later, I have lost 35 pounds, 29.25 inches, and 7.6% body fat! I only have five more pounds to go to reach my goal! Karen is positive and encouraging. When an exercise is difficult she modifies it and then gradually increases the difficulty. The weight loss is terrific. I fit into clothes that I haven’t worn for years! More importantly, I sleep better, have more energy and feel more confident. I can do things now that just a year ago would’ve defeated me. Strength training is giving me a refreshed attitude that I can meet even more new challenges. Thanks so much!!


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